Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Lockdown and Emotions

Hello dear friends,  

This is a “strange” time we’re in.  Being in Isolation I find daylight hours seem slow and tedious, whereas as the afternoon unfolds, I find my day is rushing by. When I speak to some of my neighbours by phone or Messenger , they say the same thing!  Just what is going on, I ask?

This morning I opened the curtains to find the sky grey with heavy clouds.   Two hours later the sky is blue, and the sun is shining.   For those readers overseas, we’re in the second month of Autumn (my friends in the USA call it “Fall”).  While the weather here is cooling considerably, one thing I am missing is being able to walk around nearby streets and to see the ever-changing gardens.  I miss seeing the leaves of the deciduous trees turning into their beautiful colours. 

The Lockdown and Emotions
A number of my friends are telling me they’ve been going through all sorts of emotional ups and downs.  The worry associated with “not knowing” (what this virus is, where it came from, how long we will need to fight it, will it “die” of its own accord, or hide away?), together with not being able to see our families or to join in small groups with our girl-friends, yet trying to cope with the feelings of having no control on almost any part of our daily life, is taking its toll.  

Yet, as another friend from New Zealand wrote in her blog today, “This crisis WILL pass.  We WILL be back to normal, whatever our normal was or will be.   Life may be on hold for many but it still has the potential to be full of dreams and plans.”   She then included a most beautiful Youtube video of her land which has incredible uplifting words.   Visit her blog at:  thelockdowndiary.blogspot.com

Asking for Help
This is a time when our friends - whether close-by or further afield, need us, as we need them.   Too often we hold back and not ask for help, whether it be physical or merely just to “listen” to us when we feel out-of-sorts or “down in the dumps”.   We hold back because we don’t want to worry them, or take up their time.  Yet, I‘ve often found that when I do let my “pride” down a notch or two and actually ask a friend to “listen”, then they are ready, willing and able to put their life on hold, just to hold my hand (figuratively) and walk me through my times of anxiety or stress.    I like to think that I respond in like manner when they call on me. 

This is where, even though the “social-distancing” and “isolation” is restricting us in so many ways, we have opportunities to reach out and seek a friendly word of encouragement through means of emails, telephone calls and face-time.   We don’t need to remain silent, to keep things to ourselves, to wonder how other people are coping.   For when we are aware that we may feel disadvantaged because we can’t meet up with our girl-friends for coffee or get together in groups for lunch, then we become aware that they in turn most likely feel the same way.  

Loving each other
I heard the Joni Mitchell song the other night, “I’ve looked at love from both sides now.” While this is a regretful-love-song, it is more to the point a song about the two sides of love.   We can easily say we love our family, friends and neighbours, but to actually prove that in words, deeds, and caring, we rise above just being someone who says things but never does things,  In so doing, we can then become even more the person we’ve always hoped we would become.

But love doesn’t only have two sides. It is multi faceted. Love is just a four letter word, and yet it is incredibly difficult to define.  There are so many layers.  So many meanings.  So many translations.  Yet love is what makes the world go round.  It’s not being powerful, or being multi-rich, it’s being aware of another person’s needs whether they be physical or emotional and being ready to respond to those needs in whatever way we can. 

We also need to “thank” each other for countless things.   Teena the other morning reminded me about this when she told me she makes a point of saying “thank you” to all the people stocking the shelves in the supermarket where she shops. When you think about it, there are thousands of people who are still working in order for this country to continue moving forward.  To most of us they are the people in the background and we seldom give them a thought.   Why not make a short list of people you can think of, to whom you can say “thank you”.  For doing what they do, whether they are on the frontline (in their selfless examples) or in the background.     

Keep safe , everyone.   God bless you all, without exceptions.

Fondest regards

🌹 🌹 🌹

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