Monday, November 21, 2011

We've all heard of waxing

(Copyright - Maxine's creator)

Waxing is a part of life.  For most women anyway.  And as the years pass by, many find that facial hair particularly becomes a problem.  A BIG problem.  Who wants whiskers, for goodness sake?

And for women with sensitive skin waxing causes more bother than it's worth.   Whether you want to believe it or not, waxing does take off the top layer of skin.  Why put your skin through all this pain and discomfort and red face when there are other alternatives?

Let me come to the subject of "threading".   Many friends and counterparts look at me in confusion and dare I say it complete weirdness when I mention that I have an appointment to see my "threading lady". 

But she is worth her weight in gold.  Honestly.  So professional that I don't even realise I'm having the hair removed one by one or sometimes a few at a time.   Lovely moisturiser and rose water applied following the procedure making my skin feel tingly and pampered.   If you don't know about threading, then here's a bit of a write up.    I think it's the perfect way of handling a bristly situation!


  1. Ahh, at last, something I know a bit about, hair growth and removal. I was an electrologist. Permanent hair removal. I used a needle and slid it into the hair follicle, zapped the follicle and if I did it right, the hair never came back. I was good at it because I had a delicate feel for the fine needle in the follicle.

    I have watched threaders. It is as described in this article, of course. But as for regrowth, it would be no different than tweezing.

    The hair regrowth makes no different on whether it is waxed, threaded or tweezed. That they put a number on when the hair will come back is something they shouldn't do. We are all different, and the hairs on our body, head to toe are different.

    Generally, when you see a hair come back after a few days, it likely wasn't that hair. It usually takes weeks. The follicle has to heal after having a hair ripped out (no matter what yanking technique is used.) Then it has to start growing the hair. If you've ever examined a tweezed hair, you can see that it is deep from the surface of your skin down to the root. It all takes time.

    They are right that waxing causes redness. I never wax due to how it leaves my skin.

    It's fascinating to watch threading. Threading isn't a miracle. I don't know if it gets the really heavy, tough, pull resistant hairs, but maybe so. And it may get the fine hairs more efficiently than tweezing. But it makes no difference on the regrowth. All those "decisions" and timing are governed by our body, hair follicles, etc.

    If you can pinpoint one that seems to be gone for months, could be that it fell into a dormant stage.

    Anyway, no miracles. But some people swear by threading. No doubt it's good. It's just not a miracle thing.

  2. And at last I've met an electrologist!

    Many thanks for all the info and it's obvious that electrolysis is most likely the best method for many women. However, there is always the cost involved (and most people say they have to have touchups at some stage or another) and the pain (which is ALWAYS mentioned!).

    Conversely many women are persuaded by their doctors not to have electrolysis - because of medication they are on, or some other reason where there could be risks from the "zap".

    As you say threading is not a miracle thing - and as so many wonen said they've "never heard of it" I thought it worth while including in the blog. And from my point of view it's just a good option to have - and as women don't we all love having options to choose from? I do! LOL

  3. Electrolysis is expensive over the long haul if someone is trying to remove much hair.

    Touch ups on a successful case are either due to dormant hair kicking into gear, or "new" hairs. As I recall, the new ones are from the soft ones that change as we age, have medical conditions, hormone changes, etc. There's no way to treat those before they appear.

    There are clients I turned away for medical reasons. Or I insisted they get an okay from their doctor before I'd work on them. There was a dermatologist in town who used to send me clients too. Electrolysis isn't something to just go into willy nilly.

    The one thing I used to wonder was how it is that facial hair never became a desirable thing. I worked in an area of rich people and celebrities. I never had anyone major (A list) come in, but did work on models and a couple of not known actresses, among other interesting people.

    the thing is, I've worked on models who were quite beautiful who could have grown a goatee! One had true issues. Her skin was gorgeous to look at, but delicate. It would nearly "melt" as I worked, and I had to be so very careful. Her case took a long time because I had to be real careful for the zapping not to overlap each other. If I had worked too close she would have had sores I imagine. She was in her early 20's, so I imagine by now she has developed more and more hair on her chin.

    with the number of gorgeous women I saw with facial hair, you'd think it'd catch on!

    The electrologist is creating damage under the skin, in the follicle. So, it is very important to err on the side of safety for the client.

    To close, I have a little story. I'd graduated electrolysis school and had gotten my new license. I moved into my office and was ready to start work. A woman came in for chin hair removal. We did a consultation and decided to get started right then. My very first real, paying client!

    I told her to jump up on my table and lied down. So, she stripped down to only wearing her panties! I was flabbergasted that there was this nearly naked woman standing in my office. I asked if she had hair someplace other than her chin that needed to be removed.

    Oh no, just her chin. So, I offered her a gown. Oh no, she didn't need that. So, after she laid down I walked over with a towel. She said, Oh, I don't need that.

    So, I sat there working on this nearly naked woman's chin.

    When she came in the next week, I didn't even ask. I threw a towel over her top, and she didn't toss it off.

    I ran across some odd people in my career! But that was my very first real client at that job. Quite a start!

    BTW, I use the term "career" lightly.
